1. The OCC, FRB, etc is visiting or has conducted an audit or issued an MRA regarding our use of AVMs – how can AVMetrics help?
  2. Can I see sample output?
  3. What is an MPT?
  4. What is a “Compliance Package” and how does it satisfy compliance requirements for independent validation of AVMs? 
  5. What is a Cascade, and how do I build one? 
  6. What methods of payment do you accept?
  7. Why do we require a Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement?
    • Our partners trust us with their confidential data. Their intellectual property is their lifeblood. We don’t access their models, but we have extensive data on value estimates, which they typically provide for a fee. We have agreements with them that restrict whom we can provide that data to. To maintain our covenant with them, we require all customers to agree explicitly to our terms and conditions and have a fully executed Mutual Non-disclosure Agreement (MSA) with us on file.
  8. Why do we restrict email addresses?
    • We are restricted by our own agreements to provide data only to legitimate users. Therefore, we correspond only with verified domains of financial institutions – no personal email addresses.